
Showing posts from November, 2023

Turkey Trot and a Temple Trip...

  Awesome week! Went by so fast.  Short story time: One of my favorite miracles this week was when we were headed to dinner, but I knew we were gonna get there 15 min early. And in the neighborhood, I actually took a wrong turn to the dinner, but then I got the impression that "No, you made the correct turn." And now I'm like, okay okay, lets get outside, so we said a prayer for direction, and the Spirit was so there. I'm now on the edge of my mental seat, excited for what's gonna happen next. We look over to our right. A nice couple is sitting on their porch. Elder Elkins says, "Hey! Wanna picture of Jesus?" And they say, "Absolutely, come on over! Pull up a chair." So we pulled up a chair and started teaching them. THEN three of their teenage boys come out, and they are super fun and chill, and we shared a message that got them involved (it's cause we first tied it to God and then to football). The Spirit was there, and we set a return ap

Baptisms in the Temple

It was a great week! We got to go to the temple with Nick Jones!! He had transferred to YSA a month ago, but we got some members together, and we all went together. It was SO AMAZING!! LITERALLY ONE OF THE MOST SPECIAL EXPERIENCES OF MY LIFE. I haven't done baptisms for the dead in more than a year, and it was so cool. I got to baptize Nick.....and then he baptized me. H e brought all of his own names for it. The Spirit touched my heart. My JOY was FULL. So awesome! Also had a LEGENDARY exchange with Elder Reynolds! Shout out to Middleton Idaho!! We literally talked for so long. It was legit and we just chatted all night long. Never connected more with someone in one day. We literally missed each other by sheer chance. He moved out of the 4th ward when I moved in. Like we know all of the same people, did scout campouts in the same forests.  Anyways love y'all. No time! Hurrah for Israel!! -Elder Higginson

Bass Pro Shop

  Hey y'all! So funny enough, I wasn't supposed to send an audio for my last email. Oh well.  But this week was a solid grind. We had a super cool friend who was progressing, seeing the change in her life, and was receiving so much peace from God. But then we think something happened (maybe anti), and she sent a breakup text:( We'll see if we can resolve anything that's come up....luckily we got the Spirit to back up our words! We went to Bass Pro Shop. Soooo chill. It was a lot of fun, and we took pics with lots of funny stuffed animals. Definitely a hype trip (pics below of our shenanigans). We invited Robert and McKayla (the parents of the daughter who got baptized) to pray about baptism. And he was like, yeah I'm 95% there. Then, the next morning on Sunday we get a text from him saying "Morning! I'm in, I'll get baptized Christmas Eve." Haha, so enough said about Robert's personality. Gonna be sweet! Spiritual thought: People can go off on